Data Lineage & Data Quality Solution

For mid-size organizations starting their data governance journey

Trusted by 1,000+ Data Teams

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Discover, document and manage your metadata

Catalog all your data sources

Dataedo is equipped with multiple automated metadata scanners that connect to various database technologies, extract data structures and metadata, and load them into the metadata repository.


Add meaning to your data

With a few clicks, build a catalog of your data and describe each element. Decrypt table and column names with business friendly aliases, provide meaning and purpose of data assets with descriptions and user-defined custom fields.

Ensure high data quality with data profiling

Use sample data to learn what data is stored in your data assets. Understand the data better before using it and make sure that the data is good quality.


Democratize access to knowledge about data

Boost data literacy through a data catalog

Build data literacy, democratize data and empower everyone in your organization to make better use of your data with lightweight on-premises data catalog


Visualize your data models with ER diagrams

Discover and document relationships between data entities and visualize them with automatically built diagrams. Give everyone a better overview of related entities from any point in the catalog.

Get a complete view of the flow of your data

Visualize how your data moves through the system with Data Lineage feature. Understand where the data is coming from, where it is going, and how it is transformed. Create enterprise-wide visibility into data lineage diagrams through Web Catalog to improve data literacy and ensure transparency.


Build a community around your data

Allow everyone to share their observations and to accumulate valuable knowledge in one place through comments, ratings, questions, to-dos, and warnings. People in your organization will be able to collaborate on data with less hustle and improved productivity.

Share complete documentation in convenient format

Dataedo Web Catalog
Dataedo Web Catalog
Interactive web data portal

Self-hosted web portal for self-service data & building data community. Create a place where all people in your organization can go to find, learn about, discuss and contribute their findings about data.

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Dataedo Web Catalog
Dataedo HTML Export
Interactive HTML exports

Easily export your documentation into lightweight and easily shareable interactive HTML documents. Self-host them on your drive or any web server.

See live sample
Dataedo Web Catalog
PDF & Excel Exports
Export metadata to PDF & Excel

Additionally, you can quickly export your documentation to PDF and Excel files.

See live sample

How Dataedo works?

Connect to your data sources

Dataedo scans your data sources and extracts data structures & metadata through Metadata Connectors and loads them into the Metadata Repository

Document your data

Data Stewards can then populate catalog and document data through main user interface - Dataedo Desktop

Share the knowledge

After documentation is complete, Data Stewards can export it and share with the Data Community in interactive HTML, PDF or Excel to browse. They can also set up a Web Catalog, where users can also provide feedback to the documentation.

dataedo architecture

Why our customers love Dataedo?

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Start democratizing your data today

Become data-driven with your data documentation & data catalog software